我们考虑了提高柱生成效率(CG)方法的方法,以解决车辆路由问题。我们介绍了CG配方中常用的NG-Route松弛度和降低状态空间松弛(DSSR)的替代/补充,我们引入了局部区域(LA)路线。 LA路线是NG路由的子集和基本路线的超级集合。通常,CG的定价阶段必须产生基本路线,这些路线是没有重复客户的路线,使用可能在计算上昂贵的流程。非元素路线至少访问至少一个客户,创建一个周期。 LA路线以允许有效定价的方式放松成为基本途径的约束。从NG-Route放松方面,最好理解LA路线。 NG路由是允许在空间中具有非定位循环的路线。这意味着周期中至少有一个中间客户(称为断路器)必须考虑到周期中的起始客户在空间上远离。使用一组特殊索引来描述LA路线,该特殊索引与从开始到路线尽头的路线上的客户相对应。 LA路线的松弛进一步限制了一组允许的周期,除了强制执行断路器必须位于特殊索引中,该循环均超出了NG路由,其中​​一组特殊索引被递归地定义为如下。该路线中的第一个特殊索引是索引1,这意味着它与路线中的第一个客户关联。 K'th特殊索引对应于K-1第三个特殊索引之后的第一个客户,该索引并非被认为是(在空间上被认为是远离K-1'TEXPATEX的客户)的邻居。我们证明,与标准DSSR相比,LA路线松弛可以显着提高定价的计算速度。
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Many real-world applications of language models (LMs), such as code autocomplete and writing assistance, involve human-LM interaction, but the main LM benchmarks are non-interactive, where a system produces output without human intervention. To evaluate human-LM interaction, we develop a framework, Human-AI Language-based Interaction Evaluation (H-LINE), that expands non-interactive evaluation along three dimensions, capturing (i) the interactive process, not only the final output; (ii) the first-person subjective experience, not just a third-party assessment; and (iii) notions of preference beyond quality. We then design five tasks ranging from goal-oriented to open-ended to capture different forms of interaction. On four state-of-the-art LMs (three variants of OpenAI's GPT-3 and AI21's J1-Jumbo), we find that non-interactive performance does not always result in better human-LM interaction and that first-person and third-party metrics can diverge, suggesting the importance of examining the nuances of human-LM interaction.
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Recent work in large language modeling (LLMs) has used fine-tuning to align outputs with the preferences of a prototypical user. This work assumes that human preferences are static and homogeneous across individuals, so that aligning to a a single "generic" user will confer more general alignment. Here, we embrace the heterogeneity of human preferences to consider a different challenge: how might a machine help people with diverse views find agreement? We fine-tune a 70 billion parameter LLM to generate statements that maximize the expected approval for a group of people with potentially diverse opinions. Human participants provide written opinions on thousands of questions touching on moral and political issues (e.g., "should we raise taxes on the rich?"), and rate the LLM's generated candidate consensus statements for agreement and quality. A reward model is then trained to predict individual preferences, enabling it to quantify and rank consensus statements in terms of their appeal to the overall group, defined according to different aggregation (social welfare) functions. The model produces consensus statements that are preferred by human users over those from prompted LLMs (>70%) and significantly outperforms a tight fine-tuned baseline that lacks the final ranking step. Further, our best model's consensus statements are preferred over the best human-generated opinions (>65%). We find that when we silently constructed consensus statements from only a subset of group members, those who were excluded were more likely to dissent, revealing the sensitivity of the consensus to individual contributions. These results highlight the potential to use LLMs to help groups of humans align their values with one another.
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The availability of large public datasets and the increased amount of computing power have shifted the interest of the medical community to high-performance algorithms. However, little attention is paid to the quality of the data and their annotations. High performance on benchmark datasets may be reported without considering possible shortcuts or artifacts in the data, besides, models are not tested on subpopulation groups. With this work, we aim to raise awareness about shortcuts problems. We validate previous findings, and present a case study on chest X-rays using two publicly available datasets. We share annotations for a subset of pneumothorax images with drains. We conclude with general recommendations for medical image classification.
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用木材制成的木材和森林产品,例如家具,是宝贵的商品,就像许多高估的自然资源的全球贸易一样,面临腐败,欺诈和非法收获的挑战。木材和森林产品部门的这些灰色和黑色市场活动不仅限于收获木材的国家,而是在整个全球供应链中扩展,并与非法金融流有关,例如基于贸易的洗钱,记录欺诈,种类标签和其他非法活动。在没有地面真理的情况下,使用贸易数据找到此类欺诈活动的任务可以作为无监督的异常检测问题进行建模。但是,现有的方法在其对大规模贸易数据的适用性方面存在某些缺点。贸易数据是异质的,具有表格格式的分类和数值属性。总体挑战在于数据的复杂性,数量和速度,具有大量实体和缺乏地面真相标签。为了减轻这些方法,我们提出了一种新型的无监督异常检测 - 基于对比度学习的异质异常检测(CHAD),通常适用于大规模的异质表格数据。我们证明,我们的模型CHAD对公共基准数据集的多个可比较基线表现出色,并且在贸易数据的情况下优于它们。更重要的是,我们证明我们的方法减少了假设和努力所需的高参数调整,这在无监督的培训范式中是一个关键的挑战。具体而言,我们的总体目标涉及使用提单贸易记录数据账单来检测可疑的木材运输和模式。在运输记录中检测异常交易可以使政府机构和供应链成分进一步调查。
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我们提出了一个开放域的社交聊天机器人Chirpy Cardinal。为了既有信息又有信息,我们的机器人以一种真实的,情感上的方式与用户聊天。通过将受控的神经产生与脚手架,手写的对话整合在一起,我们让用户和机器人都轮流推动对话,从而产生引人入胜且流利的体验。Chirpy Cardinal部署在Alexa奖Socialbot Grand Challenge的第四次迭代中,每天处理数千次对话,在9个机器人中排名第二,平均用户评级为3.58/5。
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管理折扣促销活动(“ Markdown”)是经营电子商务业务的重要组成部分,这里的效率低下可能会严重阻碍零售商的盈利能力。解决此问题的传统方法在很大程度上取决于价格弹性建模。但是,价格弹性建模的部分信息性质,以及保护盈利能力的不可谈判的责任,意味着机器学习从业人员经常必须经过巨大的时间来定义衡量离线模型质量的策略。面对这一点,许多零售商依靠基于规则的方法,因此可以通过机器学习来捕获的盈利能力获得可观的收益。在本文中,我们介绍了两个新颖的端到端降价管理系统,以优化零售商旅程的不同阶段的赌注。第一个系统“ ITHAX”制定了无需估算的理性供应方定价策略,并且可以用作“冷启动”解决方案,以收集降价数据,同时保持收入控制。第二个系统“ Prosotheus”为价格弹性提供了一个完整的降价优化的框架。我们详细描述了特定的建模和验证程序,在我们的经验中,这对于建立在现实世界中稳健性能的系统至关重要。与我们经验丰富的运营团队在受控的在线测试中做出的决策相比,这两种降级系统都具有卓越的盈利能力,相对于手动策略,改善了86%(Promotheus)和79%(ITHAX)。这些系统已被部署以在ASOS.com上管理Markdown,并且可以在各种零售电子商务环境中进行价格优化的价格优化。
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